QR code scanning automation
This article demonstrates how Katalon Studio can help users handle QR code scanning for mobile devices. We will demonstrate a test case that picks a QR code from gallery and scan t via a QR code scanner to make a payment.
How to automate QR code scanning
Katalon Studio
Install PayZapp from Play store.
Open Emulator/Real devices.
Open a mobile app
Make a payment via QR code scanner option
Select QR code from gallery/photos
Enter the amount and make the payment.
Here is our sample project GitHub repository.
- Record test script via Katalon Recorder and save test objects and test cases. You can refer to Record Web utility in Katalon Studio.
- Run the test execution. You can refer to Execute tests with Katalon Studio overview.
- Verify the test execution result. You can refer to View test runs and execution logs.