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Instantly run a test case in Katalon Cloud

Learn how to instantly execute a single Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test case without the need to create a test suite.

Instant Run is a feature that allows you to execute Katalon Cloud Studio (Beta) test cases with your preferred test environment.
  1. From the Project home screen, go to Tests > Test Cases and select the test case you wish to run.
  2. There are three (3) ways you can instantly run a test case.
    1. Hover along the test case, then click the 3-dot icon of a test case in the test case list and click Run. A test case's dropdown menu in Katalon Cloud Studio.
    2. Alternately, you can open the test case, click the Run button in the test case details view.
      Open test case and click Run in the test case details view.
    3. Click the Run button right in the Test Editor view. Instant Run in Editor view.
  3. Select the OS configuration you want to run the test case under, and the browser and version: Configure a test run in Katalon Cloud Studio
  4. Click on Run Test to begin executing.
  5. A pop-up notification will show at the upper right corner confirming your execution.
  6. Click on View Run Progress to quickly view your test report.

A toast notification indicates that the test run is currently in progress, with a link to view the test run progress.

When clicked, it redirects you to the Executions > Calendar tab, which displays the test run in progress:View test run in progress in Executions > Calendar tab.

Once the test run finishes, it displays a summary of the test results, including the results of the test run (Passed/Failed) and other pertinent information such as a link to the test run report.

Here is an example of a completed test run:View a summary of your test run results.Click Details to view the Test Run report.