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My Profile

User Profile

Click the account icon at the top-right corner to navigate to User Profile. The User Profile section provides an overview of all your account details, including basic contact information, your assigned role, and start date. It also includes a summary of your roles across different projects and a record of your activities.

Katalon TestOps homepage screenshot

Edit Information

In the User Profile section, you can edit your basic profile information.

  1. Click Edit Information in the User Profile section.
  2. The Edit Information dialog box will appear. Input or update your information as needed. Edit Information dialog in User Profile on Katalon TestOps

Change Password

You can also change your password in this section. Simply click the Change Password button and follow the instructions.

Change Password dialog in User Profile on Katalon TestOps

User Settings

Click the account icon in the top-right corner to navigate to User Settings. Here, you can create a new API key or edit an existing one.

User Settings page in Katalon TestOps

Create API Key

To create a new API key:

  1. Click the Create API Key button.
  2. The Create API Key dialog box will appear. Input or update your API key details as required.

Create API Key dialog in User Settings on Katalon TestOps

Modify API Key

To edit an existing API key:

  1. Hover over the right edge of the API key box.

  2. Select Edit to modify or Delete to remove the API key.

Modify or delete an API key dialog in User Settings on Katalon TestOps

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