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Assign or unassign Account Administrators

Assign or unassign Account Administrators from the account information box in Organization Management.
  1. Go to Admin > Organization. The Organization Management tab appears by default.
  2. Within the account information box, click on the profile photo or name labeled Admin.
    Layer 1
  3. A popup shows all users in a list. They are categorized into two sections:
    1. Assigned: Users who are Account Admins.

    2. Employees: Users within the Account who do not have admin privileges.

    A list of potential Account Admins in a pop up.
Assign an admin
  1. In the Employees section, click on the check box to the right of a user's name. A tick is shown.
  2. Click Save.
Unassign an admin
  1. In the Assigned section, click on the check box to the right of a user's name. The tick is removed.
  2. Click Save.
A notification confirms you have assigned or unassigned an Account Admin.
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