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Create an Azure DevOps integration

This document shows you how to create an integration for Azure DevOps within Katalon TestOps.


Create an integration with Azure DevOps to improve test automation efficiency, centralize test management, and strengthen DevOps workflows.

  1. Go to Admin > System > System Integrations. The Integration list appears.
  2. Click + Create Integration.

The System Integrations page in Katalon TestOps with Create Integration highlighted.
  1. Select Azure DevOps from within the ALM and Test management section. This brings you to the Azure DevOps Integration Setup page.

The Azure DevOps integration in Katalon TestOps.
  1. Input your credentials.
  2. Click the Test Connection to check your credentials. If successful, you'll see a confirmation message.

The Azure DevOps integration connecting successfully in Katalon TestOps.
  1. Click Save. A notification confirms you have successfully created the integration successfully. You are brought back to the Integration list where your new integration appears.
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