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Rerun executions

Rerun executions from its details page, its overview drawer, or from the executions list.
  1. Go to Executions to view the executions list.
    • This can only be done for completed test runs. Running executions cannot be rerun.

Rerun from Executions:
  1. Within the row of the test run you'd like to redo, click on the rerun icon near the rightmost column.
    The Executions page in Katalon TestOps.
Rerun from the overview drawer:
  1. Click on the row of a test run to open a drawer containing an overview of its information.
  2. Click on the three dot menu at the upper right corner and select Re-run.
Rerun from test run details:
  1. Click on the row of a test run to open a drawer containing an overview of its information.
  2. Click on the Details button at the upper right. This test run's details appear in full.
  3. Click on Re-run at the upper corner.
A toast notification confirms your request for a rerun.
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