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Disown or reverify a business domain

  • Make sure you are and Account or System Admin or possess the relevant permissions. Go to roles or permissions for more information.

Disown a domain ore re-verify it at Admin > System > General > Business Domains. This ensures that domain ownership is properly configured for secure operations.
  1. Go to Admin > System. The General tab appears by default.
  2. Click on the Business Domains tab within the General tab.
Disown a domain
  1. Click on the Disown icon within the row of the domain you would like to disown.
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  2. The Confirm Disown Domain dialog box asks you to confirm you decision. Click Disown to continue.
  3. A notification confirms you've disowned the domain successfully.
Re-verify a domain
  1. Click on the Re-verify icon within the row of the domain you would like to re-verify.
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  2. The Verify Domain dialog box pops up. The process is the same as when you would have added a new business domain.
  3. A notification confirms that you've re-verified your domain successfully.
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