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Parameterize a Web Service Object

Query Parameters

  • Only available for RESTful Web Service requests

Query parameters can be added to a REST request's URL to tailor and filter the response output. When you input a URL, Katalon Studio detects the query parameters (after the question mark ?) and list them in the table for better management.

Variables and Parameterizing Request Objects

  • Available for both RESTful and SOAP Web Service requests

Katalon Studio provides the Variables section with both manual and scripting editors. By using variables in a request object, you can handle the dynamic values of an object's properties and have more control over them. You can add a new variable and declare its properties in the Variables tab. To call a variable in a Web Service object, use the ${variable_name} syntax as a place holder in any of the supported locations. The values of the pre-defined variables are passed to their place holders, respectively, during runtime. It is called parameterization, and the approach is the same as parameterizing a WebUI object.

In the manual view of a test case, when you add a request object, the pre-defined variables are added automatically; hence, you don't need to define them again.

For RESTful request

Katalon Studio supports calling the declared variables in the following places of a RESTful Web Service object.

  • URL
  • Query Parameters
  • HTTP Header
  • HTTP Body
  • Verification

The screenshot below illustrates an example of using the 'status' variable in a URL.

For SOAP-based request

The following locations are where you can use the pre-defined variables:

  • Service Endpoint
  • HTTP Header
  • Request Message
  • Verification

Below is an example of parameterizing the domain URL in a SOAP request's service endpoint.

Add test requests to a test case

There are multiple ways to add a test request object to a test case Katalon Studio. You can call the web service requests in the Manual View (keywords test) or Script View (test scripts) of a test case, and verify the responses. Learn more.

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