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Supported environments for Katalon Studio and Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE)


We recommend using the latest version of Katalon Studio. Download the latest version from the Katalon website: Katalon products.

Katalon Studio (KS) provides free, basic tools suitable for the testing needs of individuals. For an advanced business solution, you can purchase Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) licenses. To compare features between Katalon Studio and KSE, you can refer to this document: Katalon Studio vs Katalon Studio Enterprise Features.

Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) is the test execution add-on of Katalon Studio. KRE allows you to execute tests in a command-line interface (CLI).

System requirements

Operating System WindowsWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022
macOSOS X El Capitan 10.11, macOS Sierra 10.12, macOS High Sierra 10.13, macOS Mojave 10.14, macOS Catalina 10.15, macOS Big Sur 11, macOS Monterey 12, macOS Ventura 13.2
  • OpenJDK 8 or 17. For further details, refer to Install Katalon Studio for Linux.
  • The latest version of Linux distribution that supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE.
  • Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, and 24.04 LTS.
GUI components Required for all operating systems.
CPU Minimum: 2 GHz or faster and 64-bit (x64) processor
Hard Drive At least 1 GB available hard disk space. Extra disk space is required depending on project source codes and generated execution reports.

Supported browsers

Desktop BrowsersVersion on WindowsVersion on macOSVersion on LinuxNote
Internet Explorer (IE)9, 10, 11N/AN/ARequired IE configurations: Internet Explorer Configurations.
Microsoft Edge18N/AN/A
Microsoft Edge (Chromium)80+80+N/A
Google Chrome58+58+58+
SafariN/A12+N/AMake sure Allow Remote Automation is enabled in Safari browser: Enable Webdriver Support.

Supported mobile operating systems (OS)

InstallationVersion on WindowsVersion on macOSAppiumNative App support?Hybrid App support?(**)Mobile Browser supportXcode
Android 6.x - 15.x
  • 1.12.1+
  • 2.11.1(*)
iOSN/A9-15, 16, 17, 18(*)Nov9.4.1-15(*)

(*) Requires Katalon Studio version 10.0.0 onwards.

(**) To handle hybrid apps, refer to the Appium article here: Automating hybrid apps.

(***) Refer to the following workarounds when handling hybrid apps:

Supported Windows platforms

Katalon Studio fully supports automation testing for desktop apps written in the following platforms:

  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
  • Windows Forms (WinForms)
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Classic Windows (Win32)
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