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Add Users to an Organization

This document shows you how to add users to an existing Organization.

Add users to an Organization via the + Add user button in User Management.
  1. Go to Admin > Organization. The Organization Management tab appears by default.
  2. Click on the User Management tab.
    The user directory appears with all users in a list.
  3. Click + Add user at the upper right corner.
    The Add Users dialog box appears.
  4. Input the email addresses of the Users you would like to invite.
    • Separate entries by pressing space or enter.

    • You can copy-paste email entries.

  5. Select the licenses you would like to assign these Users by clicking on their respective checkboxes.
    1. The license source in the dropdown menu determines from where within the Account the checked licenses are being taken from. Add users to Katalon TestOps and assign licenses to them instantly. Choose the source of the licenses through the dropdown.
  6. Select the Organization you would like these Users to belong to. This step is optional.
    • A User can only belong to one Organization, though they are free to work between Projects or Organizations within the Account as needed. See About new Users for more information.

  7. Select the Project you would like these Users to work on. This step is optional.
  8. Click Add.
A notification confirms that you have invited these Users and have successfully assigned them licenses, Projects, and an Organization.
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