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[WS] Verify Element Property Value


Verify that there is an element with expected property value appeared in the returned data from a web service call.

Keyword name: WS.verifyElementPropertyValue


ParameterParameter TypeMandatoryDescription
responseResponseObjectRequiredThe object that represents an HTTP response.
locatorStringRequiredAn expression Katalon will use to go through and look for the expected element(s), please refer to our user guide on how to write it: Handle Web Service Response object
valueStringRequiredThe expected value of element you want to verify in the responded data (usually is JSON/XML)
flowControlFailureHandlingOptionalSpecify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.


  • true, if your expectation is met, otherwise false.


You want to verify if the response contains '' in the email list.

'Send a SOAP request and returns its response'
def response = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject('REST_CommentDetails'))

'Verify if comment\'s email after sending request is correct or not'
WS.verifyElementPropertyValue(response, '[0].email', '')
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