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Applitools Integration in Katalon Studio

  • For version 8.5.5 onwards, you need to install this plugin from Katalon Store: Applitools Integration.

  • From version 7.6.0 to 8.5.2, Applitools Integration is a built-in Katalon Studio Enterprise feature.

Configure Applitools integration

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license.

  • You have installed the Applitools plugin from Katalon Store: Applitools Integration.

To configure Applitools integration, do as follows:
  1. Go to Project > Settings > Plugins > Applitools Integration.
    Applitools Integration
  2. Fill in the information:
    • Server URL: The Applitools server URL to integrate with Katalon Studio. This URL can be an Applitools Private Cloud URL.
    • API Key: Your Applitools API Key (required). You can learn how to obtain Applitools API Key at Applitools documentation: How to obtain Applitools API Key.
    • Application Name: The name of the application in Applitools. You do not need to create an application in Applitools beforehand.
    • Match Level: The match level in Applitools. To learn more about the match level, you can refer to Applitools documentation: Applitools Match Level.
    • Visual Grid View Port: [[width1, height1], [width2, height2], ...] (e.g., [[800,600],[1200,630]]). The list of viewports includes width and height for the Applitools visual grid. Once you have specified all browser images, those viewports will be captured and compared. If you leave the Visual Grid View Port empty, Katalon Studio uses the browser viewport at the point of execution.

      • For quick testing, you only need to enter the API Key and leave out the rest.

      • Visual Grid View Port configuration is applicable for both checkWindow and checkElement keywords.

Use Applitools functions in Recording

This plugin provides two custom keywords in BasicKeywords class, which are helpful to use while recording test cases:

  • checkWindow is used to compare the image of the full browser at the point this keyword is called. The images in the last run will be used as baseline for the images in the next run.
    • input: a unique string which Applitools will use as the identifier to compare the captured images
    • output: compared results from Applitools
  • checkTestObject is used to compare the image of a specific Test Object at the point this keyword is called. The images in the last run will be used as the baselines for the images in the next run.
    • input: a Test Object and unique string that Applitools will use as the identifier to compare the captured images
    • output: compared results from Applitools

Use Applitools functions in Script mode

In addition to the two basic custom keywords above, this plugin also provides a set of keywords in EyesKeywords and AdvancedKeywords classes which can be use in the script mode:

* Initialize an Eyes instance without any configuration.
static Eyes eyesInit()

* End the test.
* @param eyes The initialized eyes object.
* @return The list of results of the test can be obtained from the object returned.
static List<TestResults> eyesClose(Eyes eyes)

* Initialize a wrapped WebDriver to starts a test
* @param testName The name of the test. This name must be unique within the scope of the application name. It may be any string.
* @param viewportSize Specified viewport for image capturing. If null, the default browser viewport will be used.
* @return A wrapped WebDriver which enables Eyes trigger recording and frame handling.
static Eyes eyesOpen(String testName, RectangleSize viewportSize)

* Initialize a wrapped WebDriver to starts a test with a specified baseline name.
* @param baselineName The environment name that defines baseline. If the name is undefined in the server when the test runs then the name will be created and defined on the server with values of the current test environment defined by a triplet <OS = baselineName, Browser, Viewport>.
* @param testName The name of the test. This name must be unique within the scope of the application name. It may be any string.
* @param viewportSize Specified viewport for image capturing. If null, the default browser viewport will be used.
* @return A wrapped WebDriver which enables Eyes trigger recording and frame handling.
static Eyes eyesOpenWithBaseline(String baselineName, String testName, RectangleSize viewportSize)