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Library management in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio allows using external Java .jar libraries either through project settings or adding them to a designated folder. You can leverage this to extend the capabilities of Katalon Studio and handle specific situations when needed.

This document shows you ways to add external libraries to Katalon Studio and replace the built-in libraries with the external ones in a test project.

Add external libraries to a project

You can add external libraries to a Katalon Studio project in three different ways:

  • Use the Gradle plugin.
  • Go to Library Management settings of a project.
  • Copy and paste a library .jar file to the Drivers folder of a project.

Use Gradle in Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio supports automatically downloading libraries from Maven repositories using the Gradle plugin. You can refer to our GitHub repository here: Katalon Studio Gradle plugin.

Use project settings

To add external libraries in project settings, do as follows:
  1. In Katalon Studio, go to Project > Settings > Library Management.
    For Katalon Studio versions before 7.8.0, go to Project > Settings > External Library.
  2. In Library Management, click Add to browse your .jar file(s) (and its dependencies if any).
    Add external libraries
    To remove an added external library, select a library and click Remove > OK.
  3. Click Apply and Close to save the settings.
After saving the settings, Katalon Studio will add the library file(s) to the project Drivers folder and load the libraries.

Libraries added in the Drivers folder

Copy and paste a library .jar file to the Drivers folder

  1. Copy the .jar file (and its dependencies, if any) you want to add to the project.
  2. Go to your project folder, select the Drivers folder and paste the .jar file.
    Manually add the library
  3. Close and re-open the project in Katalon Studio to reload the class paths.

When your .jar library file is recognized by Katalon Studio, you should be able to use it.

Exclude built-in libraries

  • An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license.
The Exclude built-in libraries feature allows you to remove built-in libraries stored in the .classpath file of a project folder. This feature applies to all libraries in the .classpath file, excluding the following:
  • com.kms.katalon.*.jar
  • selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
  • poi-3.17.jar
  • poi-ooxml-3.17.jar
  • poi-ooxml-schemas-3.17.jar
  • java-client-7.0.0.jar
  • io.cucumber.*.jar

Removing the above libraries may cause failure of the relevant features.

You can also replace the excluded built-in library with an external one for flexible libraries usage in a test project.

  1. In Katalon Studio, go to Project > Settings > Library Management.
  2. In the Exclude the following built-in libraries section, click Add to add a built-in library you want to remove.
  3. In the External Libraries section, click Add to browse an external library to replace the excluded one.
    Exclude libraries
  4. Click Apply and Close.