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AWS Signature authentication in Katalon Studio


  • Katalon Studio version 9.7.0 onwards.

  • Katalon Studio Enterprise license.

What is AWS Signature?

AWS Signature is the authorization workflow used for Amazon Web Services (AWS) requests. It employs a custom HTTP scheme based on a keyed-HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) for authentication.

To learn more about AWS Signature authentication, you can refer to AWS documentation: Authenticating Requests.

  • Katalon Studio only supports AWS Signature version 4.

Supported fields in Katalon Studio

Add Auth Data ToSelect the location where Katalon Studio will append the authentication data to.

Value list:

  • Request Headers

  • Request URL

Access KeyThe access key provided by AWS to identify your account. For more information about access key, see this AWS documentation: Manage access keys.
Secret KeyThe secret access key associated with the access key.
AWS RegionThe code of the AWS Region to which you send a request (e.g., us-east-1, eu-central-1). You can view the list of available regions on the Amazon website: Available Regions.
Service NameThe namespace of the AWS service to which you send a request (e.g., em2, iam, s3). You can view the list of namespaces on the Amazon website: Identify AWS resources with Amazon Resource Names.
Session TokenA security token required when using temporary security credentials. This field is optional.

Use AWS Signature authentication in Katalon Studio

To use AWS Signature authentication in Katalon Studio, follow these steps:
  1. In the Authorization tab of a web service request, set the Type as AWS Signature.
  2. Fill in your authorization information:

    Then click Update.

The authorization information is updated in the test object.
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