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Defects Report Slack notifications

The Defects Report Slack notification integration automatically notifies users in a specific Slack channel whenever a project member performs a corresponding action using the Defects Report function from TestOps. This allows for better work visibility among project members and for quickly checking issues without having to navigate to them manually.

Set up Slack notifications for defects

When a test result is linked to a defect either automatically through automation rules or manually by a project member, you can select options to be notified on Slack. To learn how to set it up, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to TestOps and navigate to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select Jira/Xray either from the sidebar under ALM & Test Management or search it in the search bar.
  3. Click on the Notifications tab.
    The notifications tab in the jira xray integration section of Katalon TestOps.
Receive notifications for manually linked defects
  1. Click on the tick box next to Notify channel when a defect has been linked by project member.
    The slack notification setting for manual linking.
  2. Click Save.
Receive notifications for linked defects via automation rules
  1. Tick Notify channel when a defect has been linked by automation rule.
    The slack notification setting for automatic linking.
  2. Click Save.

You have set up Slack notifications for your linked defects.

It contains the following information:
  • Test Result ID
  • Test Result Name
  • Execution Name
  • Status
  • General information about the linked defects.

Click on any of the links to view the full details on TestOps. A sample of a notification from TestOps on Slack.

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