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View BDD test results in TestOps

You can integrate BDD-enabled projects in Katalon Studio with Katalon TestOps and access native BDD Test Results with their features and scenarios.


Upload and view BDD Test Results in Katalon TestOps

Configure BDD Settings

You can configure BDD Settings in Katalon TestOps to upload BDD Test Results automatically. Follow these steps:
  • Currently you can't upload BDD test report manually to Katalon TestOps.

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your Project.
  2. Click on the Settings icon at the top right corner, and choose Project Settings.

    The Project Settings page appears.

  3. Scroll down to the Configurations section, then check the Enable BDD reports box.
  4. Click Save.

View BDD Test Results

Once you have configured BDD Settings, Katalon TestOps recognizes and processes BDD-based Test Results.

To view BDD Test Results, go to your Project > Planning > Requirements.

The Requirements page appears as below.

In the Requirements section, you can see the Features of your BDD Tests displayed in the Name column (the green icon next to each Name is a Feature icon).

If you click on one of the Features (e.g., Login Feature), you can see the Scenario of your BDD Test (the blue icon is a Scenario icon).

The Scenarios also appear on the Test Runs page (go to Reports > Test Runs).

View BDD Test Results in Traceability Matrix

Go to Reports > Requirements, then select the Traceability Matrix tab.

You can view BDD Test Results and manage the relationships across BDD Features (displayed in the Requirements column), BDD Scenarios (displayed in the Test Cases column), and Defects.