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Override test environments in a test suite collection

When scheduling a test suite collection with TestCloud on TestOps, you can override environments for each test suite in the test suite collection.

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your project.
  2. Go to Test Execution and click Schedule Test Run.
  3. Switch to the Test Suite Collection tab.
    The dialog appears as below.
  4. In the Environment section of the dialog box, click on Configure TestCloud environments for Test Suites.
  5. In the Assign Test Environment for Test Suite dialog, select the test environment for each test suite.
  6. Return to the Schedule Test Run dialog, then click Schedule.
You are directed to the Test Run List page, where you can see the TestCloud Test Environment.

The test suites are then scheduled for execution in their configured environments.

test run list on TestOps