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StudioAssist Preferences

From Katalon Studio Enterprise version 9.5.0, you can configure to use StudioAssist with your personal OpenAI or Azure OpenAI API key.

  • Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) 9.5.0 onwards.
  • An active KSE license.

In Katalon Studio Enterprise, click the StudioAssist icon on the main toolbar to open the settings.

Alternatively, you can go to Katalon Studio Enterprise > Settings > Katalon and select StudioAssist.

You can select among three API base URL options:
  • Katalon AI Service: To use this option, the Owner of your Account has enabled AI features. If disabled, you can opt for your personal OpenAI key or Azure OpenAI API key.

  • Personal OpenAI key: Provide the following information before using.

    • Secret key: Your OpenAPI secret key.
    • Max token: The limit on the number of tokens per model response. The default value is 2000. To learn more about the token limits, refer to the OpenAI rate limits documentation: OpenAI Token Limits.
    • Organization ID (optional): The organization ID on OpenAI is the unique identifier for your organization which can be used in API requests.
    • Model: The OpenAI model you want to use. If not changed, the gpt-3.5-turbo model is used by default.
  • Personal Azure OpenAI API key: Provide the following information before using.

    • Base URL: The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource in the following format: https://{your-resource-name}
    • Deployment name: Azure OpenAI uses the deployment name to call the model. Enter the deployment name of your choosing, make sure that the model supports chat completion.
    • API key: Your Azure OpenAI key.
    • Max token: The limit on the number of tokens per model response. The default value is 2000.
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