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Link test runs to a release in TestOps

To link test runs to a release, do as follows:
  1. Go to your project.
    The project Dashboard page appears.
  2. Go to Reports > Test Runs.
  3. Scroll down to see the list of all test runs and their IDs.
  4. Click on the ID number of a test run.
    The Test Run: # page appears, and # represents the ID number (e.g., Test Run: #21).
  5. Click on the Link to a release button at the top right corner.
    The dropdown menu appears.
  6. Select a release in the dropdown menu.
    Once, you have successfully link test runs to a release, you can see the Test Run: # page displays as below. Here, Test Run: #1234 has already been linked to release 8.0.

    Successfully linked test runs to a release

    In case you have linked test runs to a Jira release, you can also see linked test runs results are shown under the Releases section on your Jira page.
  7. Optional: If you want to link a test run to another release, you can do so by clicking on the icon next to the current release, then select the new release you want to link.
    Select a different release

    You can also unlink a Test Run by selecting the Clear this release option.