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Create and edit releases in TestOps

You can natively create and edit releases in Katalon TestOps and link your test runs to it.

Alternatively, if you have integrated Katalon TestOps with Jira, you can also populate Jira releases in TestOps. See: Populate Jira releases.

Create a new release in TestOps

To create a new release in Katalon TestOps, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your project.
    The project Dashboard page appears.
  2. Go to Planning > Releases.
    The Releases page appears as below.

    The release page appears in TestOps

  3. Click on the Create Release button at the top right corner.
    The Create Release page appears as below.

    Create releases in TestOps

  4. Fill in the required information:
    • Name: your Release version (e.g., Release 8.0.0).
    • Start Date: when you want to start your Release.
    • Release Date: when you want to end your Release.
  5. Click Create.
You have successfully created a new release in TestOps.