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Katalon Store on Plugin document guidelines

Katalon Store on Plugin document requirements

  • Descriptions should be worded in a familiar tone that uses proper, and not offensive, language.

  • Descriptions should not include information that is irrelevant to the description of the plugin itself. For example, descriptions must not include information on pricing, discounts, deals, etc.

  • Descriptions should highlight the benefits of using the plugin features and must not contain only a list of product features (such as a list of values separated by commas, or simply a bullet list of product features).

  • Descriptions should not contain any negative comments.

  • Descriptions must not contain prohibited, banned, illegal, outlawed, or restricted content.

Plugin document guidelines in Katalon Store submission page

Providing detailed information will help end-users understand your plugin's values and features better. In order to have an user-friendly document for your plugin, follow this questionaire below:

  • Which problem(s) does your plugin hope to solve?
  • How is your plugin going to solve these problems?
  • For which purposes would the end-users use this plugin in Katalon Studio?

Submit documents for published plugins on Katalon Store

Besides having a brief description published in Overview tab in each plugin's detail page, you can create your own documentation with more detailed information or tutorials for your published plugin and make it viewable on Katalon Store by following these steps:

  • Go to Published plugin tab in My plugins menu
  • Choose Update option right below the plugin to direct to Submit plugin information page
  • Insert your documentation source in Documentation field

After finishing all the steps, there will be a hyperlink to your plugin documentation displayed in Project details section in the plugin page.