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Quick guide for testers

This guide shows you the basic steps to automated testing in Katalon Studio, and explores the basic functions of Katalon Platform and Katalon Runtime Engine.


Create your first test project

To create your first test project in Katalon Studio, do as follows:
  1. Go to File > New > Project from the main menu.
  2. In the displayed New Project dialog:
    1. Name: Enter the name of your project.
    2. Type: Choose your desired project type.
    3. Project: In the dropdown list, you can either choose to create a blank project or a sample project.
      • If you choose to create a sample project, the Git repository URL of that sample project is retrieved in the Repository URL accordingly.
      • If you choose to create a blank project, you can choose whether to generate .gitignore file or build.gradle file.

    4. Location: Choose the location to store your test.
    5. Description: Enter a brief description for your new project.
  3. Click OK.
Your new project is created.

Write your first test case

This tutorial focuses on how to create a Web test case using the Web Record Utility in Katalon Studio. You can perform all the desired actions as a real user on your website while the Web Record Utility records them.

If you have other project types, see the corresponding guides for Mobile, Desktop, API, and BDD.

The application under test (AUT) is a demo website called CURA Healthcare Service:

You can clone the sample project here: Healthcare sample.

  1. From the main toolbar, click on Record Web to open the Web Recorder.
    The Web Recorder dialog appears.
  2. Enter the demo website URL:
  3. Select a browser to start recording. Here, we choose the Chrome browser.
    You can click Expand, then click Show Captured Object to see recorded steps and captured objects while recording.
    Expand Web Recorder dialog
  4. Click Record. Wait until the browser is launched and ready to interact.
    When you hover an element, the element is highlighted and displays its correspondent XPath on the top of the page.

  5. Record the test script as planned.
    1. Click on Make appointment, fill in the demo username and password, then click Login.
    2. To verify the Make appointment heading after the successful login, mouse over the Make appointment text, right-click > Katalon Studio > Verify Element Present.
      Verify Make Appointment heading
    3. Close browser.
  6. Once done, click Save script to stop recording and save the captured objects. Web Record Utility exports a list of objects captured in the test case in Katalon Studio.
    Create a new folder or select an existing one in the Object Repository, then click OK.
    Save captured objects
  7. A pop-up dialog prompts you to name a new test case. Here, we name it TC1_Verify Successful Login.

    Click OK.

Katalon Studio opens the test case editor with your new test case. You can view the recorded actions and objects as test steps in the Manual view.

Plan your tests with a test suite

A test suite is a collection of related test cases that are grouped together based on their testing objectives.

This section shows you the basic steps to plan and run a test suite in Katalon Studio with a local browser.

  1. In the Tests Explorer tab, right-click on Test Suites > New > Test Suite.
  2. Input the test suite name in the New Test Suite dialog. Here, we name it TS-healthcare-tests, then click OK.
    Katalon Studio opens the test suite editor of the TS-healthcare-tests.
  3. In the test suite editor, click Add to open the Test Case Browser.
    Click Add to add test case to test suite
  4. Select the test cases to add. Here, we select TC1_Verify Successful Login, then click OK.
  5. Click Run.
    Run the test suite
  6. Watch the test run. When the test run starts, you can see:
    1. The Job Progress bar: This bar allows you to see the progress of executing test cases and test suites/test suite collections.
    2. The Log Viewer tab: This tab shows the real-time report/log of the test execution.
    3. A pop-up browser window that runs the recording steps.
You've successfully run your first test in Katalon Studio with a local browser.

When the test run finishes, Katalon Studio automatically generates test reports.

Analyze your test activities with Cloud Platform

You can access advanced test reports of your automated testing activities on Katalon Platform. Do as follows:
  1. Go to Project > Settings > Katalon Platform.
    Make sure you have enabled Automatically upload all test reports to Katalon Platform.

    After the execution, the test reports are automatically uploaded to Katalon Platform.
  2. Go to TestOps Homepage and select the project with your executed test suite.
    In the Project Dashboard, you can find an overview of real-time data on your test activities.

Try cross-browser cloud testing

You have a Katalon TestCloud license or trial.
Katalon TestCloud is a test automation environment that allows you to execute tests on most standard browsers and operating systems on the cloud. With the 30-day trial of TestCloud, you can execute cross-browser tests in a cloud environment.

In this section, you will learn to run a test suite with TestCloud in Katalon Studio.

  1. Go to Project > Settings > Katalon Platform.
    Make sure Katalon TestCloud integration is enabled.

  2. Open a test suite.
  3. Click on the dropdown icon of the Run button and choose to run with TestCloud.
    Katalon Studio - Run button - TestCloud option

    The TestCloud Configuration dialog appears as below.Katalon Studio - TestCloud Configuration dialog

    • The Tunnel checkbox is cleared by default. TestCloud Tunnel is for running tests in private domains. See Configure TestCloud Tunnel.

  4. Select the Desktop or Mobile execution environment for your tests.
  5. Click Run.

You can view the execution progress in Log Viewer with detailed information on the status of each test step:Katalon Studio - TestCloud Log Viewer

Execute test via CI/CD pipeline with Katalon Runtime Engine

  • You have a Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) license or trial.
  • You have downloaded and set up Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE). For further instruction, refer to Download KRE.
Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) is an add-on test execution of Katalon Studio. With the 30-day trial of KRE, you can execute automation tests in CLI mode and integrate your tests with CI/CD pipeline.

This section shows you how to generate and use KRE command for test execution.

  1. Open the command-line interface of your OS and navigate to the folder of KRE that contains the executable (katalonc.exe for Windows or katalonc for macOS and Linux).
    • On macOS, the executable is stored in the Contents folder of the application package. For example, the executable path can be /Downloads/Katalon_Studio_Engine_MacOS-8.6.0/Katalon Studio
  2. In Katalon Studio, open Command Builder from the main toolbar.
  3. In the displayed Generate Command for Console Mode dialog, select a Test Suite, and configure your execution with the following information:
    • Executive Platform:
      • Run with: Click on Edit and select an environment to run your tests with.
    • Authentication: the Katalon API key is auto-filled.
  4. After completing the configuration, click Generate Command.
    The Generated Command dialog pops out.

  5. Copy the generated command and paste to the command prompt/terminal for execution.
You have successfully generated and used a KREcommand to execute a test suite.

KRE also supports integrating your tests with CI/CD pipeline. Depending on your preference, you can integrate with GitLab, GitHub Action, or Azure DevOps. To learn about the supported CI/CD integrations, see Supported CI/CD integrations.

Next steps

To explore other capabilities of Katalon Studio and Katalon Platform, you can learn more about: