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Integrate Katalon Platform with Katalon Studio

Katalon Platform integration in Katalon Studio allows you to:

This document shows you how to integrate Katalon Platform with Katalon Studio.

Enable Katalon Platform integration

To integrate Katalon Platform with Katalon Studio, follow these steps:
  1. Open your project in Katalon Studio.
  2. In the main toolbar, click on the Katalon Platform button.
    Katalon Platform button in Katalon Studio main toolbar

    Alternatively, you can go to Project > Settings > Katalon Platform.Katalon Platform integration in Project Settings.

  3. Tick on the Enable Katalon Platform integration checkbox.
    This option automatically enables Katalon TestCloud integration and uploads all test reports to Katalon TestOps. You can deselect any of the options based on your preference.
    Once the connection is successful, Katalon Studio fetches all Projects from the Organization you belong to.
    • The settings apply for TestOps and TestCloud. If you want to execute tests with TestCloud and upload test reports to TestOps, you need to choose the Organization that has an active TestCloud subscription or trial. See Purchase Katalon product via TestOps website.

  4. Choose your Project from the dropdown menu.
    If you are the Owner or Admin, you can also click New Project to create a new project.
  5. Click Apply & Close.
You can execute tests in a cloud-based environment. Your test results are automatically uploaded to Katalon Platform every time you run test suites in Katalon Studio.

Override authentication

You might need to override authentication when you want to integrate Katalon Studio with Katalon TestOps using a TestOps private instance. To learn more about TestOps private instance offering and how to enable your private instance from Katalon Studio, see: TestOps Private Instance integration​.

  • You can override authentication with TestCloud in Katalon Studio.

In Katalon Studio > Project > Settings > Katalon TestOps, there is an option to override authentication.

override authentication

By default, the Override authentication option is disabled, which means the Server URL and user credentials to connect with Katalon TestOps are inherited from what has been filled in the Activation dialog.

With the Override authentication option enabled, you can input a different Server URL and user credentials. This information is saved in <project folder>/settings/internal/

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