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[Windows] Click Element Offset


Performs a click action at the given offset of the Windows Element (relative to its top-left corner) that is found by using locator value of the given windowsObject.

Keyword name: clickElementOffset
  • In Windows Recorder, enable coordinate-based recording in the window. click and rightClick actions are recorded as clickElementOffset and rightClickElementOffset actions respectively.

  • In Windows Recorder, the Click Element Offset button is supported in Possible Actions.


Parameter Parameter TypeRequiredDescription
windowsObjectWindowsTestObjectYesAn object describing the locator and locator strategy to find a Windows element.
offsetXIntegerYesThe horizontal offset relative to the top-left corner of the element.
offsetYIntegerYesThe vertical offset relative to the top-left corner of the element.
flowControlFailureHandlingOptionalSpecify failure handling schema to determine whether the execution should be allowed to continue or stop.


Windows.startApplicationWithTitle('katalon.exe', 'Katalon Studio')
'Wait for Katalon help tab to be present'
Windows.waitForElementPresent(findWindowsObject('TabItem'), 10)
'Click on X button using Click Element Offset, the coordinate is retrieved by cropping the tab and use to extract the coordinates.'
Windows.clickElementOffset(findWindowsObject('TabItem'), 107, 13)
'Katalon Help tab is closed successfully as a result of clicking on X button'
Windows.verifyElementNotPresent(findWindowsObject('Object Repository/TabItem'), 5)
'Click on OK to really close Katalon Studio''Close Katalon Button'))