[Windows] Set Encrypted Text
Perform a set text action on the Web element that is found by using the locator value of the given Windows object. This action will append the given text on the element and clear the current text of the element if it exists.
Keyword name: setEncryptedText
Parameter | Parameter Type | Required | Description |
windowsObject | WindowsTestObject | Yes | An object describing the locator and locator strategy to find a Windows element. |
encryptedText | String | Yes | The encrypted text content to set on the element. |
"Set encrypted text with raw text 'Welcome to Katalon Studio' on the edit panel"
Windows.setEncryptedText(findWindowsObject("Object Repository/Edit"), 'e9PbN3GBjir0NOof/VoZqBq1r+JLZAemMs+JZGunvlQ=')