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View test suite and test suite collection reports in Katalon Studio

Test suite report

You can view reports directly inside each test suite page.

After executing a test suite, to see the test suite report, go to the Result tab.

Results tab

Test cases tableList of executed test cases.
Summary tabInformation of the executed environment and summary of the execution result.
Execution Settings tab

Settings of execution browsers/devices. For example:

Execution Environment tab

Other information about the executed system. For example:

Test cases table

The summary information of all executed iterations done in the test suite is displayed here. Each time when a test case is executed with a test data row is considered an iteration.

Test cases list

You can filter reports based on their execution status:

PassedShow only iterations which are passed.
FailedShow only iterations which are failed.
ErrorShow only iterations having errors.
IncompleteShow only incomplete iterations.
SkippedShow only skipped iterations.
If qTest and JIRA are configured in project settings, you can submit data to those systems. To learn more about qTest and Jira integration, you can refer to the following documents:

Test suite summary

This section gives the summary information of the test suite:

Test suite summary

Test Suite IDThe ID of the executed test suite in Katalon Studio.
HostnameThe hostname of the environment where the test suite was executed.
Local OSThe OS used to open Katalon Studio.
PlatformThe OS, browser, and browser version used to execute the test.
Start / End / ElapseExecution start/end date time and duration.
Total TCTotal number of test cases and their execution status.

Test case log details

To view details of the executed logs, in the Test Case Table, select an iteration and click Show Test Case Details.

Show Test Cases Details

  1. Test Log

    Details regarding all the executed steps and their status are displayed in this tab.

    Test log tab

    Test Log Information tabInformation of the test step selected in the Test Case's Log section:
    • The Name of the test step (the name of the keyword used in the test step)
    • Execution Start/End date time and duration
    • The Description of the test step
    • Any system Message raised when the test step was executed
    Test Log Image tab

    The screenshot taken from the application under test, it is captured in either of the following situations:

    • An error occurs during test execution
    • The take screenshot keyword is used. To learn more about the take screenshot keyword, you can refer to the following document: [WebUI] Take Screenshot
    test log image tab

    You can determine which type of information to be displayed by using the provided filters:
    InfoShow the messages logged for information/reference.
    PassedShow the steps which are successfully executed.
    FailedShow the steps which are failed to execute.
    ErrorShow the steps having errors.
    IncompleteShow incomplete steps due to other factors such as wrong syntax, power shortage, disconnected network, etc...
    WarningShow the steps which have warning status.
    Not RunShow the skipped steps.

    If you have configured Jira integration, you can submit a ticket to this system. For further details, you can refer to this document: Submit an issue to Jira.

    Screenshots are taken for the failed steps, and you can hover the mouse cursor over the attachment icon to review.

  2. Information

    You can find the summary information of the test case in this tab.

    Information tab

    Test Case IDThe ID of the executed test case in Katalon Studio.
    Start / End / ElapseExecution start/end date time and duration.
    DescriptionThe description of the test case.
    MessageAny system message raised when this iteration was executed.
  3. Integration

    The information regarding qTest or JIRA integration of this iteration is displayed in this tab.

    Integration tab

Test suite collection report

You can view reports directly inside each test suite collection page. Test suite collection reports are only available for Katalon Studio Enterprise users.

After executing a test suite collection, to see the test suite collection report, go to the Result tab.

Test suite collection report

IDThe ID of the executed test suite in Katalon Studio.
EnvironmentThe environment in which the test suite is executed.
StatusInformation about whether the execution is completed or not.
Failed Tests / TotalTotal test cases in the test suite and the number of failed test cases, if any.
Test Suite DetailsShows test suite reports, see above: Test suite reports.

Report history

  • Report History is only available for Katalon Studio Enterprise users.

Once a test suite/test suite collection finishes its execution, a report is automatically generated and stored in the Reports folder.

For example:

Test suite history reports

The report is named with the following naming convention: YYYYMMDD_HHmmss, corresponding to the date and time of the start of the execution.

Export reports to other formats

For the purpose of sharing, you can export reports of test suites into other formats such as HTML, CSV, PDF, and JUnit.

Automatically generate reports

  • The CSV and PDF options are available for test suite reports only.

  • When exporting test reports to PDF file, special characters will be converted to UTF-8 format.

In Project > Settings > Plugins > Report, select your preferred format for the reports generated after each test suite execution. The available options include:

  • HTML
  • CSV
  • PDF

You can also configure an additional option for HTML report file structure.

Reports settings

HTML report file structure

When test executions are long or contain many screenshots, the report size may become too large, potentially causing issues when generating or viewing it.

To address this, you can enable the following option for HTML reports: Attach reference images using linked screenshots (not embedded) to reduce report file size.

This option reduces HTML report size by saving screenshots as separate files in the Reports folder. The HTML report will reference these images via relative paths instead of embedding them.

Below is an example comparison of file sizes for an HTML report:

  • Without enabling the option: The report size is 271,7 MB (with screenshots embedded).

    HTML report without option enabled

  • With the option enabled: The report size is reduced to 468 KB (with screenshots linked).

    HTML report with option enabled

  • If you share reports with others, ensure that you zip the entire Reports folder, including all referenced files. Otherwise, linked images are not displayed.

Log Viewer

Execute a test suite and observe the Log Viewer after the test execution completes. The generated reports are the same as the settings you have configured above.

Report generator in the log viewer

You can view the generated reports in<project_folder>\Reports\<execution_folder> after the test execution finishes.

  • Test suite report folder:

    test suite report

  • Test suite collection report folder:

    test suite collection report

Manually export reports

For test suite collections, you can export to HTML format only. To manually export reports, open the Result view of a test suite or a test suite collection.

On the top right corner, select Export report. Then, choose a format to export.

Manually export reports


You may encounter errors when generating HTML reports with large sizes.

  • Generating reports larger than 1 GB might cause the error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space, and PDF reports might not be generated.

  • HTML reports larger than 512 MB might not be rendered and displayed well on a browser, however, the HTML report still includes full information about test execution.

The recommended size for HTML reports is 500 MB. For large executions, you might want to reduce the amount of screenshots taken, avoid taking full-page screenshots, or enable the Attach reference images using linked screenshots (not embedded) to reduce report file size option.

Get generated reports location at runtime

To retrieve current generated reports location, you can use the sample code below:

import com.kms.katalon.core.configuration.RunConfiguration

You can also retrieve other information through the RunConfiguration package, see: RunConfiguration.

Video capturing

  • K-Lite Codec is recommended to play the Katalon Studio test execution videos. You can download K-Lite Codec on the Codec Guide website: K-Lite Codec.
  • Support execution at the test suite level.
  • Support all browsers except for Remote, Headless, Kobiton, and Custom. For remote or headless browsers, it's recommended to use Katalium Server to view captured sessions.
  • Recording parallel execution is NOT supported yet.

Debugging can be time-consuming and challenging for many automation testers. Katalon Studio helps solve this problem by supporting you with the ability to capture test execution via video format. You can enable the video capturing feature in Project Settings.

Follow the steps below to see how to work with Katalon Studio video capturing feature:

  1. After creating a test suite in Katalon Studio, select Project > Settings > Execution. Check the Enable Video Recorder during execution option.

    By default, Katalon Studio only captures Failed test cases. However, you can select options to capture only the Passed/Failed test cases or both.

    Enable video capturing

    Video settings can be specified based on the preferences of users. Katalon Studio recommends AVI (.avi) format and low quality to save disk space. The higher the video quality is, the bigger the file size is.

    • Video format: AVI (.avi) or MOV (.mov)
    • Video quality: Low; Medium or High
  2. After executing a test suite, navigate to the Result tab. You can view the list of test cases in the test cases table with its video attached accordingly.

    To play the video, click on the play icon in the Video column. Test steps descriptions are embedded as a subtitle.

    View video capturing

By watching how the automated test was executed, the testing team can identify exactly where the test failed. Thus, time and resources are managed more efficiently and effectively.

Learn about test suite reports, exporting, and more in our Katalon Academy course: Katalon Studio: How To Work With Execution Logs and Test Reports.

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