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Submit an issue from Katalon TestOps to Jira

You have enabled a Jira integration in Katalon TestOps. See: Enable TestOps - Jira integration in Katalon TestOps.

After executing a test run in Katalon TestOps, you can submit an issue to Jira directly by using Report Defect.
  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your Project.
  2. Go to Reports > Test Runs.
  3. Select a test run by clicking on its ID, then click on the Test Results tab.Test run ID in Katalon TestOps' reports page.

    The Test Results page appears as below.

    The Test Results page in Katalon TestOps.

  4. Navigate to and click on the Report Defect button at the rightmost column. It has the bug icon.
    1. Alternatively, you can report a defect by going to a specific test result's detail page. To do so, from the Test Results page, navigate to the Failed Test Results section.
      The Failed Test Results section.
    2. Click on the ID of the test result you want to connect to a Jira issue. This brings you to its detail page.
    3. Click on Report Defect at the upper right corner.
      Click on the Report Defect Button at the test result's page.
    A pop-up message box appears. It has your current Jira project selected and is set to Link existing issue by default.

    The Report Defect pop up in Katalon TestOps.

  5. Click on Create new issue. From the dropdown menu, select the Jira field type you would like to use.
    Select the Jira field type you want to use for your defect report.
  6. Fill the issue out with necessary details. Blanks marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields.
  7. When the report is filled, click Link Defect.
You have successfully created a new Jira issue that is linked to your test result. A pop up notification confirms this.

Pop up confirming you have created a Jira issue.

Your issue also shows under the Defects column when viewing the test run's summary. The Defects column shows your linked Jira issues.