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BrowserStack integration

The BrowserStack integration helps you execute your tests on BrowserStack Selenium Grid from Katalon Studio instance. To integrate with BrowserStack, you need to execute your test scripts on a remote web server configured in desired capabilities. To learn more about setting up the remote server in desired capabilities, you can refer to this document: Set up remote server in desired capabilities.

This article demonstrates how to set up BrowserStack integration.

  1. In Katalon Studio, go to Project Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote. Add the following information:

    • Remote server URL: use the syntax You can find YOUR_USERNAME and YOUR_ACCESS_KEY values on the BrowserStack Dashboard.BrowserStack access key
    • Remote server type: Choose Appium server, then iOS/Android Driver.BrowserStack remote configuration
  2. Refer to Browserstack Capabilities Generator page to generate your desired caps. Make sure you select Legacy and W3C Protocol integration methods.

    BrowserStack capabilities generator
  3. Click Add to add the appium:deviceName and platformName values. Add other desired capabilities under a Dictionary-type property named bstack:options.

    BrowserStack desired capabilities
  4. Click Apply and Close to save the settings.

  5. Upload your mobile app to BrowserStack here: Upload your app. Then, copy the application value.

    Upload app to BrowserStack
  6. To execute your tests with Browserstack Selenium Grid, select Record Mobile > Remote Devices.

    Select remote devices
  7. Paste the application ID that you copied into the Cloud Application ID. Then you can start recording your test case.


You have successfully configured your BrowserStack integration.

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