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Handle conditional cases in your tests with Katalon Recorder

Katalon Recorder supports the following flow control methods:
  • Branching

  • Loops


Conditional branching allows your test to behave differently based on certain conditions.


The if command opens a conditional branch. The target of an if command is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. The expression can be a JavaScript expression with variables. If the expression evaluates to true, all the steps following if will be executed until a else if, else or endif command is found.

else if

The elseif command is similar to the if command. If the steps between if and elseif are not executed, the expression in elseif will be evaluated. If the expression evaluates to true, all commands following elseif will be executed until a else if, else, or endif command is found.


The else command usually follows the if command. If the steps between if and else are not executed, the steps following else will be executed until a endif command is found.


The endif command terminates the conditional branching block. You need to add endif to your test, otherwise you will get an error message.


Looping allows you to repeat steps until a condition is met.


The while command starts a loop. The target of a while command is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. The expression can be a JavaScript with variables. If the expression evaluates to true, the steps following while will be executed until endwhile is found and the expression evaluates again. The steps between while and endwhile will be executed repeatedly until the expression evaluates to false.


The endwhile command terminates the looping branching block. You need to add endwhile to your test, otherwise you will get an error message.

Sample Projects

Katalon Recorder comes with some sample projects (templates) to help you get started with flow controls.
  1. In Katalon Recorder, go to Templates.

  2. Choose Conditional and loops from the left-side bar.

  3. Check the sample projects.

  4. Click on theAdd Templates

You should see the sample projects are added to your workspace.

See also: