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TestLink Integration

  • Download XAMPP from Apache Friends: XAMPP.

  • Upon successful installation, Tomcat will be started by default.

  • Start the Apache and MySQL services from XAMPP Control Panel.TestLink Installation

  • Download the TestLink from SourceForge: TestLink. You can use the latest version for the integration.

  • Extract TestLink and place it on XAMPP/htdocs directory.

  • Enter this URL in any browser: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

  • Create a new database called testlink from the database menu.

  • Add a user account from the Privileges tab under More options for testlink database.Add user account in TestLink

    Add user account in TestLink

  • Enter this URL in any browser to open the TestLink installation setup: http://localhost/testlink-1.9.16/install/index.php

  • Check the I agree to the terms set out in this license checkbox and click Continue.Agree terms in TestLink

  • The below permissions will be failed.Failed terms in the TestLink package

  • Navigate to the TestLink package and open the file.

  • Update the parameters as below:
    $tlCfg->log_path = 'D:/xampp/htdocs/testlink-1.9.16/logs/'; (Path of testlink package)
    $grepositoryPath = 'D:/xampp/htdocs/testlink-1.9.16/uploadarea/'; (Path of testlink package)
  • Refresh the page and the above “failed” status will be resolved.

Resolve failed terms in the TestLink package

  • Click Continue.

  • Enter the Database name as testlink.

  • Enter the Database admin login and password as admin.

  • Enter your database username and password for “TestLink DB login and password”.Set up Testlink

  • Click Process TestLink Setup!.

  • Once the installation is completed, a window displays to notify that the installation is successful.Successfully install Testlink

  • Enter this URL to login to TestLink: http://localhost/testlink-1.9.16/

  • Enter the Login Name and Password as admin to login as admin.Login Testlink

  • Once you login to TestLink, it prompts to create a Test Project.

  • Create a Test Plan, Build, Test suite with Test cases by selecting the corresponding links from the Dashboard.

Test Project Creation

Create test project in Testlink

Test Plan Creation

Create test plan in Testlink

Build Creation

Build creation in Testlink

Test Suite Creation

Test suite creation in Testlink

Test Case Creation

Test case creation in Testlink

  1. Generate the API Key on TestLink as below.
    • Click on My Settings.
    • Personal API access Key will be none under the API Interface section.
    • Click Generate a new key.
    • Key will be generated from Personal API access key.

      Create API key in Testlink

  2. After generating a key, update the test execution status as Automated as below.Create API key in Testlink

First, go to Katalon Store and install the plugin: TestLink Integration. Then, open Katalon Studio and reload plugin. See Reload your plugins in Katalon Studio.

Make a note of the TestLink Key, TestLink Url, Project Name, Test Plan Name, and Build Name created on TestLink. These details need to be used in our configuration in below:

Go to Project > Settings > Plugins > TestLink Integration and setup these following configurations:

Enable TestLink Integration

This plugin provides the only custom keyword updateResults to update the test results on TestLink.

Before execution, the test status will be Not Run on TestLink. If the test case is passed, the status will be updated as Passed.

View test results in Testlink

If the test case is failed, the status will be updated as Failed.

View test results in Testlink