Manage users
The following article shows you how to invite new users and manage your users within your Organization.
You must be the Owner or Admin of your Organization.
Invite users to join an Organization
To work with your team on a project, start by adding them to your Organization.
Follow these steps to add users to your Organization.
If the email domain of the invited users is not a public one (e.g.,
) and matches the email domain of either the Account/Organization Owner or the inviter, the invited users will promptly become active users of your Organization.In contrast, other users will receive an invitation email to join your organization. Once these users accept your invitation, they then become users of your Organization.
You can track their pending invitations in Pending Invitation section. You can also refer these users to view this topic for more information: Join a TestOps Organization.
In case your invited users have not received the email, make sure that they check their spam inbox or ensure that the Katalon Platform email address is whitelisted.
Manage users
After inviting new users to your Organization successfully, the Owner or Admin can manage their users on the User Management page. The following guide shows you how to manage users and pending invitations.
You must be the Owner or Admin of your Organization.
View the active users list
Go to the User Management page, the Active Users tab displays.

You then can view the list of all existing users.
Once your team members have accepted the invitations to join your Organization, you will see their full names, emails, roles, the dates they joined your organization, their license access, and their most recent access to the organization in the Active Users section.
You can update their permissions by changing their roles.
Change user role
In an organization, different roles have different permissions. Learn how to change roles and permissions for a user.
The Owner has the highest level of permissions. This is the default role for the first member of any Organization.
Remove existing users
- When you remove a user from your Organization, that user can no longer log in to your Organization.
- After being removed, users' assigned licenses are revoked and their associated machine IDs are removed from the Registered Machine list.
- The data that was used by removed users is retained and remains accessible within your Organization.
- In case removed users are the Owner of any Projects, this role will be transferred to the Organization Owner.
- Removed users can be invited back any time, but they will have to go through the invitation process again.
To remove existing users, do as follows:
You have removed the users.
Export user list
View pending invitations
If the email domain of the invited users is a public one (e.g.,
) or does not match the email domain of either the Account/Organization Owner or the inviter, the invited users will receive an invitation email to join an Organization. The pending invitations will be recorded for tracking.
Go to the User Management page and switch to the Pending Invitation tab. You can check all pending invitations here.
Revoke invitations
View the removed user list
Go to the User Management page and click on the Removed Users tab.
By default, the list is sorted by JOIN DATE.
You can view a full list of users you have removed from your Organization.